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Question# Define computers , why computers are going to be popular in our society? SIANDCT

 Define Computer , why computer are going to be papular in our society?

  1. Computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. 


  3. Computers have created a very effective information system to help streamline the management of an organization. This makes it a much needed tool for every business, banking, government, entertainment, daily life, industry, education, and administration.


A device that can receive real-time data and statistics, modify it, and provide the results of these processes as sound information. This device usually includes input and output, storage, arithmetic and sensible units, as well as the control unit. The default, machine-saved system is usually specified.


Today computers are everywhere. We use it at school, at work, and even at home when we are relaxing — it is not an exaggeration to say that they are part of our daily routine. In fact, many of our daily activities are computer-assisted that we are often unaware of. Whether you write an email, withdraw money from an ATM, enter an MTR using your Octopus card, or record a phone number on your cell phone, using a computer in this process.
As a result our entire society is slowly changing from an industrial society to a knowledge society, where the production and dissemination of information becomes a major focus. It is safe to say that the more information we have about the way computers work, the more successful we will be in our professional and personal lives.

If we examine the electronics that are already in the house today, we can divide them into three categories - consumer, communications, and entertainment. Electrical appliances include washers, stoves, refrigerators, and other electrical appliances used to care for and provide for household needs. The only pure communication tool most people have is their home phone, although one can install a CB radio in this category. The remaining equipment - television, radio, stereo system, etc., fall under the category of entertainment. These entertainment devices focus on communication. Most of these devices are designed to receive broadcast material, or to play pre-recorded content. Then came a video game in which an off-line entertainment machine entered the arena.

And now we have to ask where the personal computer goes into the home. Some people see the home computer as an amazing multi-tasking device — control the grasshoppers, get the latest news from the UPI phone, and challenge its owners to the fast-paced Space Evaders game. If this view is correct, a personal computer will be a home-made machine that fills in the gaps between all other electronic devices we know.
While there is awareness of the value of home computer education, there are not a large number of well-designed educational programs on the market. However, advertising that makes parents feel guilty about not getting their children a computer has probably increased the sales of computers to families.

Communication is another legitimate application, but many potential users are not yet ready to use a computer such as replace mail or breakfast paper. And home finance management sounds like a lot better until people realize the huge amount of work associated with maintaining a data domain.

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