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How do we classify computers? Siandct

 How do we classify computers? Questions => Answers

There are four types in the classifications of the computer by size are Supercomputer, Mainframe computer, Minicomputer, and Micro Computer.

A computer is an electronic device that produces output in the form of useful information when input is given by the user. A computer accepts input in different forms such as data, program and user repetition.

Classification of Computers

There are different types of computers available today. The function of each type of computer is to process data and provide some output to users. However, the methods or techniques these computers use to process and manipulate data may differ. We can classify the computer according to the following three criteria:

  1. based on working principles
  2. based on applications
  3. According to size and capacity

1) According to Working Principles

On the basis of the process performed and the methods used to store and process data information, computers can be divided into the following categories:

analog computers

Analog computers represent data in the form of continuous electrical signals of a certain magnitude. These computers are very fast at simultaneous operations. It is a powerful tool for solving differential equations.

Digital Computers

A digital computer, also known as a digital information processing system, is a type of computer that stores and processes data in digital form. Therefore, any type of data is usually stored on these computers in terms of 0's and 1's. The output produced by these computers is also in digital form.

Hybrid Computers

A hybrid computer is a combination of analog computer and digital computer because it encompasses the best features of both these computers. For this reason, the hardware components of hybrid computers are often a mix of analog and digital components. Hybrid computers are also less expensive than digital computers.

2) Based on Application

Different computers are designed for a different purpose so that they can perform their tasks according to their abilities. According to different applications or purposes, computers can be divided into the following categories:

general purpose computers

It is designed to work in any environment. General purpose computers are versatile and can store a set of programs designed to perform different tasks. General purpose computers are not efficient and spend a large amount of time producing results.

special purpose computers

They are designed in such a way that they can only perform a specific task. Special-purpose computers are not versatile, and their speed and memory size depend on the task to be done. Special purpose computers are efficient and spend less time producing results.

3) According to Size and Abilities

Computers differ from each other in their size, shape, and weight. Each type of computer performs some unique functions and can be used in areas suited to them. According to their size and shape, computers can be divided into the following categories.


A microcomputer is a small and inexpensive digital computer designed for use by individuals. It is built around a microprocessor, a storage unit, and an I/O channel. Microcomputers are generally in the form of PCs, workstations and laptops.

mini computers

A minicomputer was first introduced in 1960 by Digital Equipment Corporations (DEC). They were called mini computers because of their smaller size than other computers of that time.


A mainframe is a very large computer used by large business organizations to handle large applications such as financial transaction processing.


A supercomputer is the fastest type of computer that can perform complex operations at a very high speed. The supercomputer was first introduced by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC) in the 1960s. They are broader than other computer categories.

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