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Low Speed Problem Solution | Laptop Hard Drives | How to Replace a Laptop hard drive at home

How to Replace Laptop Hard drive at home : Laptop Hard Drives:

You can almost certainly remove the hard drive from an older machine and attach it to a newer machine. You may be able to install it internally, if the interfaces are compatible, and most are. You might instead consider placing it into an external drive enclosure to make it an external USB drive

Can I replace the hard drive in my laptop?

If you have just one drive in your laptop or desktop, you could replace an HDD or small SSD with a one terabyte SSD for less than $150. If you're a computer user with a great deal of data, replacing just the drive that holds your operating system and applications could provide a significant speed boost

What happens if you swap laptop hard drives?

Yes they will work with no any problems. But I think its best to reinstall the OS again because both the laptops are from different manufacturer, they may use different CPU hardware and different Ram sizes. The laptops may be a bit slow or may not boot after swapping drives.

Can I use my old hard drive with a new computer?

Yes you can plug an old hard drive into a new computer. However you may find that the hard drive is no longer compatible with the new computers. the only way to know for sure is plug it in and test the result. There may be more than one plug (port) that fits the cord of the hard drive.

Remove hard drive from dell laptop And Improve Laptop Speed.

*Explain*If your computer experiences signs of hard drive failure, it’s best to replace it before it completely wears out. This gives you a chance to save the data stored on it, including your operating system. While it’s a more complicated repair than many consumers feel comfortable performing on their own, you can save money by doing it yourself. In the following guide, we’ll explain the basic steps for how to replace a hard drive, as well as the best way to get the operating system up and running again. This guide works for both replacing a defective hard drive and for swapping out an outdated one for something with more space and speed.

1. Back up data

Before you do any of the steps involved with physically replacing the drive, back up everything it contains that you wish to keep, including: Programs Documents Photo and video files Music files and playlists Games and downloadable content (DLC)

2. Create a recovery disc

To reinstall your Windows OS on your new computer, create a recovery disc that the computer can use to boot up the new, blank drive after it’s installed. You can create one by visiting the Windows website for your particular operating system version and downloading it to a CD-ROM or USB device. Make sure you have enough free space on your storage disc or drive before starting, and that it is properly formatted according to Windows directions.

3. Remove the old drive

Removing an Old Computer Hard Drive for Replacement- To begin the process, open the door on your computer case. This will vary by manufacturer. It is usually held in place by small screws or there may be a sliding mechanism. After you and the computer are safely grounded, locate the hard drive and remove the power cables and data connectors from the drive itself. Refer to the documentation for installing the new hard drive, and work backward to see how to disconnect the old hard drive from power and data connectors specifically. If you’re unsure, check for your specific brand of computer online. There will usually be a set of small screws holding the drive into the case. Remove these next, and then pull out the hard drive from the computer case or bay with a sliding motion. While it’s not necessary to physically remove the disconnected old drive, many prefer to get it out of the way. This frees up space in your computer case for other components down the road, such as a second hard drive. It also creates more air movement around the new drive. If you do choose to leave the old drive inside the computer case, make sure all of the connections remain disconnected.

4. Place the new drive

To put the new drive in, simply reverse the steps you already performed. Plug in the power connectors according to the new drive’s documentation, then follow up with data connection cords. Depending on how short the connectors are, you may have to slide the drive into the bay first. A small flashlight can be helpful for seeing into the small space of the bay as you work. Replace the screws that hold the drive into the case, replace the computer case door, and you’re now ready to set up a new drive.

5. Reinstall the operating system

After you’ve finished with the physical portion of your hard drive replacement, and before you ever use it for the first time, you must properly format and partition the hard drive. This is a simple process for Windows users, but it must happen before anything else. Fortunately, putting the operating system back on the computer performs these two steps automatically. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us at Social: https://facebook.com/siandct https://twitter.com/shahdat_zahid Website: Free Learn Computer Online And Downloading software https://rodi354.blogspot.com


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